
How to prevent hands frostbite

In winter,  a lot of people susceptible to frostbite limbs cause the cold dry weather , hands and feet after suffering frostbite, and  it has the possibility of recurrence every year.The following I will share the experience with you how to prevent hands frostbite.

 tips to prevent hands frostbite

1,The first is the prevention of frostbite hands to keep warm the hand, out of time to pay attention to wear gloves, or hands in his pockets inside, if the rider when you can put together a set, you can play a warm effect. Must not leak out of your hands, if prolonged bare hands in the cold environment will be easy to frostbite.

2.In addition to hands to keep warm, we should also be careful not to let the hand in cold water long, winter clothes, when a lot of people trouble, when washing clothes in cold water directly. Winter water temperature is too low, not only will not wash clean clothes handle frozen. Therefore, we should pay attention when washing with warm water, wash clothes or take specialized cotton gloves with rubber, so it will not handle nipped.

3.Easily to get frostbite people also need eat some lamb, beef, chicken, duck, milk, eggs, fish, beans, peanuts, carrots contain high protein and vitamins hot foods. Eat hot food can improve the body's ability to keep out the cold, can play a role in the prevention of frostbite.

4.We can achieve the hand frostbite prevention through exercise to hand, we can every day to ten degrees cold hand on the inside to soak for 3-5 minutes, then placed around forty degrees soak in hot water for 3-5 minutes, so repeated several times a day to keep the hand vessels can exercise, can reduce the chance of frostbite.

And there is another method of exercise that idle hands we can rub, rub your hands with each other, we should have to rub the back of the hand palm, rub the hand has been the Ministry of fever, which can promote blood circulation of the hand, but also can prevent good way to hand frostbite.

